Pulse 5
Pulse 5
Acrylics, 36 X 48
From Shock to strike, watch on as the liquification process ignites. A skull is tied tight
to the glowing grid work. Floral and ecstatic but delicious and dangerous. A tapestry
of fine, fine feelings and color so exciting. The electric skeleton is marred in mystery.
Dashes of urban art. Bits of painterly strokes. Calligraphic in nature and outside her
holdings, we’ve got our finger on the pulse. This is Pulse 5.
PULSE 5 (2010- 2012)
The imagery in Pulse 5 is a synthesis of urban art, calligraphy, comics, abstractions and the night clubs. A stream of crimson red in the form of a skull rides the green grid-work. Patches of green shades build up the background llayers, such was the method for establishing backgrounds most prominent in my work at this time. The bright pink are the trail, markers to lead your eyes through the composition in another way.